4/18: Somewhere

     For this assignment I was very excited to be able to photoshop myself into one of my favorite movies. I really enjoyed being able to choose the scene and make it my own. I really had a fun time utilizing the various tools and techniques we used in photoshop. Before shooting my photo, I looked at the lighting and overall color of the image and tried to recreate it. There is a lot of natural light in the photo so I shot my picture in daylight and also used a LED lights to replicate that glow in the photo.

I found this project to be very enjoyable and not too hard. It was fairly easy to take the picture and decide where I wanted to crop myself in. I had trouble adjusting my body size because my head had to be proportional to Timothee Chalamets and also the book I was holding had to be comparable to the books on the ledge. Because I got the lighting pretty much spot on, and the magnetic lasso tool made it easy to cut myself in, the only thing I really had to play around with was the various adjustments (saturation, color balance, etc.) I also found it hard to get the right angle when taking my photo because the original is shot a bit off centered, All in all, I am happy with how it came out and really enjoyed this project. 


  1. Amazing job blending into the scene. It looks like you were actually there. Great job.

  2. You did such a good job at making yourself look in place!


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