5/2: Final Portfolio

 To end the class, we made a portfolio of all the work we have completed this semester. I had a lot of fun making it my own and being able to showcase all my hard work over the past couple months. I made my book in InDeisgn and rather than using a pre-made template, I decided to make it completely on my own which was very fun. I wanted it to be completely authentic and made by me because I plan to keep this as a way to to continue to advertise my work. 

    Over the last few months, I have learned how to use Adobe Creative Cloud apps such as: Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. I think this project is so helpful because it shows me all the progress I have made when it comes to my own art. I enjoyed this class thoroughly and it is nice to see all of my work showcased. I think I will use this portfolio not only to show my work but as a marker of progress and and the ways I improve my art in the future. 

Artists Statement: HI! My name is Gabby Pelechaty and I am currently a Junior at the University of Tampa. Growing up creative, I always loved to make things whether that be cooking, baking, sculpting, or drawing. I take comfort in creating things that are beautiful to me but also take pride in showing my work with those I love. To me, art can be anything that inspires us or anything you feel passionate towards. I love creating content that is colorful but also abstract. I love pulling inspiration from nature especially flowers and the ocean. Through my art, I try to convey my personality and I hope my work exemplifies the passion I have for creating things. I am an Advertising and Public Relations major and my goal is to make art and graphics that influence people weather they buy the product I am trying to sell or not. 


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