3/24: Logo

 Personally this was one of my favorite projects to do Adobe Illustartor this far. I love being able to have the creative freedom to come up with original, ideas. I also appreciated the fact that we were creating multiple ideas and tweaking them as we went along. A lot of my sketches were very similar- I liked more simple and dainty designs with not a lot of graphics or design. I liked how both G and P have rounded tops and ever since I was little I would combine them to make a heart. So, I knew that was a potential candidate for my final decision. SO, I think what is unique about my logo is the fact that it is sentimental to me. Although it just looks like a heart, it is something I grew up drawing which I think is really cool.

I liked the simplicity and appreciate that my logo can go anywhere- it can be big , small, fits on a shirt, and is clearly visible it all shapes styles and contests. I also like how easily you can modify the colors to as needed. Although my final logo I would want it to be pink, as you can see any color looks really nice. I liked the pink the best because it goes along with the theme of hearts: love, kindness, and compassion. 


Final Logo: 


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