4/12: Pre Somewhere Post

 Write a blog post after visiting these 4 websites/links:

  1. go to https://www.instagram.com/kirbyjenner/?hl=en; find 1 image you think it would be really hard to photoshop yourself in to, post the image and the comment on your blog 
  2. go to https://www.instagram.com/averagerob/find 1 image that inspired you or gave you an idea for the "Somewhere" project. Post the image and the comment on your blog 
  3. go to https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-photoshop-troll-james-fridman/ find 1 set of images that made you laugh, post them on your blog with your comment 
  4. go to https://www.boredpanda.com/reality-behind-photography/ which illusion you think you might want to recreate? Post the inspiring image and comment
If you have questions, or any idea you want to run by me, do not hesitate to contact me

1. I think this post would be really hard to photoshop myself into for  a few reasons. I think a pose would be hard to chose as well as a place to photoshop myself. I also think correct lighting would be difficult to achieve and make it look realistic.
2. This image really inspired me because it looks so realistic. I also really like how high quality it appears and how it brings in a comedic element. 
3. I think this photo is genuinely really funny and like that again its a bit satirical. They make the photoshop look natural and normal when it is not which is what I enjoy. 

4. This illusion genuinely made me look for a good 5 seconds before i understood what the photographer did. This looks so real and I think its really interesting playing with angles and illusions. 


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